Updated to 8.6.0 on

What's new

1Password for Windows 8.6.0

1Password now includes full support for SSH keys, providing the easiest and most secure way for developers to manage SSH keys and use Git in their daily workflow.

Together with our new command-line tool, authorizing services and securing your development toolchains is easier then ever.

See our SSH and Git, meet 1Password and Your CLI wish is our command announcement posts for full details.

Here’s the full list of changes in this release:

  • For Windows computers with TPM, Windows Hello can now be used for unlocking after you quit the app or restart your computer without entering your account password. !11028
  • You can now show Categories in the sidebar. #9299
  • You can now hide Tags in the sidebar. !10916
  • You can now hide the sidebar in the app. !10961 !11036 !10957
  • You can now choose to ignore Watchtower warnings and suggestions for item by clicking Ignore after expanding the banner. !11354
  • You can now scan a QR code directly from the “Two-factor authentication available” banner on an item. #12441
  • You can now filter the items displayed in lists with Ctrl + Alt + F. !10533
  • You can now use the Page Up and Page Down keys to navigate sections the item list. #1546
  • You can now change what happens when you click 1Password in the menu bar. #10768
  • You can now drag and drop multiple lines of text into multi-line fields, such as an address. #12606
  • New text fields added to items now support multiple lines of text. !11138
  • You can now open our Developer Documentation site from Preferences > Developers. #12315
  • We’ve added new icons and illustrations that display in empty lists and other scenarios where there’s no information to show. #12149
  • We’ve added all-new backgrounds that display when viewing an empty list of items, like in a new vault with no items added. #12942
  • The dropdown menu to adjust your sorting order now shows the total number of items in the list. #10674
  • After changing your password, 1Password will now check for a new account password before rejecting it as an incorrect password. #11834 #4511
  • You can now share items with any email address across a domain. To view an item, the recipient can verify their email address at the specified domain.
  • If you change your language in the app, creating a new item will now display the names of item categories and default fields in your chosen language. !11064
  • Localization has been improved for a number of our supported languages using new translations from Crowdin. !11255
  • We’ve improved some Italian translations in the interface. #11195 #11215
  • Watchtower now updates properly after changing your language in the app. #11210
  • Switching between accounts or collections while Watchtower is open will no longer switch to the All Items view. #12735
  • The item list in Watchtower no longer resets to a private vault item list when switching accounts or collections. #13050
  • We’ve updated the design of the cards shown in Watchtower. #12726 #12736
  • Images displayed throughout the app now load much faster. #12085
  • Rich icons are now reloaded less often. !10978
  • Collapsed sections in the sidebar now have better visibility, keyboard navigation, and accessibility. #8971
  • In the sidebar, Archive and Recently Deleted now stay at the bottom when there’s extra space. #12365
  • Hovering over truncated text in the sidebar now displays a tooltip with all of the text. #8349
  • We’ve improved the experience when dragging items to the sidebar when you don’t have permissions to modify an item. #9609
  • When a category is selected in the sidebar, the name of the category will be shown in the app’s title when multitasking. !11072
  • Quick Access now shows the default actions for each item in the list if you hover over it with your mouse cursor. !11407
  • We’ve improved the accuracy of suggested items shown in Quick Access. #10753 #12834
  • Quick Access is now positioned in the center of the screen more consistently. !10899 !10866
  • We’ve made improvements to the visual experience of opening the main app window if it was closed. #12085 #8874
  • The order of items is now remembered after you close the app. #11317
  • The lock screen has received updates to improve the visual experience while zoomed in. #5608
  • The lock screen has received some visual improvements for customers who are signed into five or more 1Password accounts. #13015
  • We’ve made a number of smaller visual improvements to the lock screen related to the password field and buttons. #12997
  • We’ve improved the experience for keeping Windows Hello in focus when using it to unlock 1Password. #12091
  • We’ve improved experience of using dropdowns throughout the app, such as keeping them open when resizing the app window. #12220 !11021
  • We’ve made some improvements to the experience of changing the password tied to an item in the app. #6163
  • We’ve improved the way that email addresses are displayed when viewing the history of a shared item. #12042
  • If you try to share an item, you’ll now be presented with the limitations enforced by your account’s administrators, such as how many times an item can be viewed. #13151
  • The design of the confirmation dialog when moving an item has been improved. !10725
  • We’ve added a View button to the to the confirmation after deleting an item. #11796
  • We’ve added contextual hints to help you when you can’t find something. #12380
  • Added an icon to the No Results screen when searching. !10860
  • The design of an empty item list has been improved. #12147
  • If you’re viewing a list of items, but don’t have a specific item selected, you’ll now see a new design in the empty item view space on the right. #12939
  • The item details column now displays helpful information when nothing is selected. #12148
  • The tray icon is now always responsive, even when multiple clicks are performed in quick succession. !10970
  • If the 1Password icon is hidden from the system tray, the “Click the icon to” option in Settings will be now disabled. #12583
  • You can now use non-ASCII global keyboard shortcuts. !10920
  • You can now use the Escape key to hide the password field for expanded accounts when viewing a list of existing accounts to add to the app. #10563
  • Unlabeled buttons are no longer readable by screen readers. #12065
  • 1Password now automatically unlocks and shows contextual information when the CLI is authorized. #11673
  • Accessing secrets with command-line tool extends the validity of the session. !10679
  • We’ve fixed an issue where Watchtower would show an empty password strength section while a viewing a collection with no items in the selected vaults. #13048
  • We’ve fixed an issue that could cause the app to visually flicker when changing some settings while Watchtower was open. !11412
  • We’ve fixed an issue where the names of collections could appear unaligned when switching among your accounts and collections. #12472
  • We’ve corrected the color of the icon shown beside a locked account when switching among your accounts and collections in the app. #13080
  • We’ve fixed an issue where the color of the chevron in the category picker was the wrong color. #11638
  • We’ve updated the quality of the icon shown when you have no recently deleted items after clicking Recently Deleted in the sidebar. #13297
  • We’ve fixed an issue where text couldn’t be dragged and dropped into the fields when signing into an account. #12648
  • We’ve fixed an issue where text in a field couldn’t be dragged and dropped into a remote Windows session window (RDP). #12728
  • The message displayed when copying a gender field to the clipboard has been corrected to show “Copied gender”. #8412
  • We’ve fixed an issue related to the formatting of certain URLs when viewing an item. #12558
  • We’ve fixed an issue where adding a username to a Password item would show web form details. #12979
  • We’ve fixed an issue where clicking the reveal password button when unlocking the app wouldn’t return focus to the password field. !11067
  • We’ve fixed an issue with creating an new item from a custom template with fields that contained the same title. #12434
  • The first tag is no longer selected by default when adding a tag to an item. #12559
  • Tag suggestions no longer include tags from deleted items. #12449
  • We’ve removed text ligatures to avoid ambiguity when reading revealed passwords. #12574
  • We’ve fixed an issue that could cause the same item to be suggested more than once in Quick Access. !11316
  • We’ve fixed an issue where Quick Access didn’t open on the active display. #12590
  • We’ve fixed an issue where Quick Access was dismissed on unlock. #10246
  • We’ve fixed an issue that caused the lock screen to flicker. #12085
  • We’ve made a slight update to the phrasing used when signing in to an account. #8526
  • We’ve updated the message that’s displayed when you sign out of a 1Password account in the app. #9221
  • Logs no longer display the names of files when they’re attached to items. #12916
  • We’ve fixed an issue where customers would see a blank app window if they had certain symbols in their Windows account name. #13223