All the latest releases from the 1Password Team

Updated to 8.10.36 on

1Password for Linux

by Dave
1Password 8.2.0, in dark mode, open on Fedora Core 34
Download 1Password for Linux

We love hearing from you! Visit the 1Password Support Community to let us know if you have any feedback.

Updated to 8.10.36 on

1Password for Mac

by Dave
1Password 8 for Mac
Download 1Password for Mac

We love hearing from you! Visit the 1Password Support Community to let us know if you have any feedback.

Updated to 8.10.36 on

1Password for Windows

by Dave
1Password 8 for Windows
Download 1Password for Windows

We love hearing from you! Visit the 1Password Support Community to let us know if you have any feedback.

Updated to 8.10.3 on

1Password for Web

by Rob

Back to the Web

A while back, we introduced brand new apps for desktop platforms: Mac, Windows, and Linux. These apps used a stunning new design system and for the first time, 1Password looked consistent, no matter which platform you used. Unless you signed in on, that is.

For the past year, we’ve been working to bring that same modern experience to the web, and now it’s here. We’re starting with a minimal version that aims to match the functionality of the existing web experience while providing a beautiful new interface. From here, we’ll continue polishing and bringing over features that have been added to our other apps already but never made it to the web, so stay tuned.

Image showing the new 1Password for Web in dark mode in Safari