All the latest releases from the 1Password Team

Updated to 8.10.38-29 on

1Password for Windows Beta

by Dave
1Password 8 for Windows Beta
Download 1Password for Windows beta

Join our beta family to get early access to the latest and greatest features of 1Password for Windows.

Updated to 2.26.1 on

1Password in the browser

by Jarek

Passkeys 🔑

Earlier this summer, we announced our commitment to providing users a safer, more convenient way to sign in to online accounts using passkeys in the 1Password beta browser extension. Today, we’re excited to announce that full passkey support has arrived!

With today’s release, you can now create, manage, and sign in with passkeys on a growing number of websites and apps directly from the 1Password browser extension. You can also use 1Password on any device to view, organize, and share your saved passkeys.

So, what are you waiting for? Start by finding a site that supports passkeys. You can do this by browsing our passkey directory, or by opening Watchtower in 1Password, which now flags all of your existing logins that could be updated with a passkey.

Let us know what you think! We’ll be keeping our ears open to better understand how we can build on what we’ve released today.

Image showing a new passkey being created for Github
Image showing a passkey being used to sign in to Github
Updated to 8.10.36 on

1Password for Android

by Roo
1Password 8 for Android
Download 1Password for Android

This is 1Password 8 for iOS and Android. It’s a brand-new experience designed to bring a little order to a hyper-connected world. Where did I save my medical records? What’s my bank account number? Do I need to worry about that data breach I heard about yesterday?

And, of course, what the heck is my password?

Updated to 8.10.36 on

1Password for iOS

by Roo
1Password 8 for iOS
Download 1Password for iOS

This is 1Password 8 for iOS and Android. It’s a brand-new experience designed to bring a little order to a hyper-connected world. Where did I save my medical records? What’s my bank account number? Do I need to worry about that data breach I heard about yesterday?

And, of course, what the heck is my password?