All the latest releases from the 1Password Team

Updated to 8.10.70-23 on

1Password for Android Beta

by Roo
1Password 8 Beta for Android
Download 1Password for Android

This is 1Password 8 for iOS and Android. It’s a brand-new experience designed to bring a little order to a hyper-connected world. Where did I save my medical records? What’s my bank account number? Do I need to worry about that data breach I heard about yesterday?

And, of course, what the heck is my password?

1Password for Android beta RSS feed
Updated to 8.10.70-23 on

1Password for iOS Beta

by Roo
1Password 8 Beta for iOS
Join the 1Password for iOS TestFlight

This is 1Password 8 for iOS and Android. It’s a brand-new experience designed to bring a little order to a hyper-connected world. Where did I save my medical records? What’s my bank account number? Do I need to worry about that data breach I heard about yesterday?

And, of course, what the heck is my password?

1Password for iOS beta RSS feed
Updated to 8.10.70-23 on

1Password in the browser Beta

by Brandon

Passkeys 🔑

Last year, we announced our commitment to providing our users a safer, more convenient way to sign in to online accounts using passkeys. Today, we’re excited to announce that passkey support has arrived!

With today’s release, you can now create, save, and sign in to your online accounts that allow passkey authentication directly from the beta 1Password browser extension – including Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Brave, and Safari. Users can also view, edit, move, delete, and share passkeys using 1Password for Mac, iOS, Windows, Android, and Linux.

Image showing a new passkey being created for Ebay
Image showing a passkey being used to sign in to Ebay
Updated to 8.10.68 on

1Password for Android

by Roo
1Password 8 for Android
Download 1Password for Android

This is 1Password 8 for iOS and Android. It’s a brand-new experience designed to bring a little order to a hyper-connected world. Where did I save my medical records? What’s my bank account number? Do I need to worry about that data breach I heard about yesterday?

And, of course, what the heck is my password?

1Password for Android RSS feed