Updated to 8.10.22-21 on

What's new

1Password for Mac 8.10.22-21
  • Localization has been improved for a number of our supported languages using new translations from Crowdin. !20452 !20407
  • We’ve fixed an issue where the offline indicator wouldn’t properly reflect when accounts that unlock with SSO were offline. #24786
  • The 1Password browser extension in Chrome will now maintain a connection with the 1Password app even when a Chrome update is pending. !20410
  • We’ve fixed an issue that could prevent you from importing from LastPass if your Okta email address was different from your LastPass email address. #26206
  • You can now connect additional browsers to use with the 1Password browser extension. Add additional browsers in Settings > Browser. #24510
  • The pop-up with information on how to finish setting up Universal Autofill now displays steps specific to your macOS version. !19890