Updated to 8.10.4-15 on

What's new

1Password for Linux 8.10.4-15
  • Localization has been improved for a number of our supported languages using new translations from Crowdin. !16640
  • If the LastPass importer in the app fails due to a known issue, you’ll now be prompted to use the CSV importer on 1Password.com as a workaround. #20686
  • We’ve updated the phrasing displayed when importing your LastPass if you need to check your email to continue the import process. #20508
  • We now check to see if a LastPass item is a login before attempting to import password history. !16708
  • Clicking the Or Import Passwords button displayed when viewing an empty account or collection now displays the in-app importer. #16092
  • We’ve improved commit signing via the SSH agent when forwarding into a remote workstation. #19859
  • We’ve fixed an issue where you wouldn’t be able to restore previously ignored Watchtower banners for items imported from LastPass. #20413
  • We’ve fixed a small visual issue with “Sign in with” fields and how they appeared when editing an item. #20346