Updated to 8.1.0-66 on

What's new

1Password for Linux 8.1.0-66
  • New windows will always open on the same screen as 1Password’s main window. #5004
  • 1Password will show an alert when the user no longer has permission to save an item they are editing. #8305
  • Items on the action list are now pluralized when the user has multiple items selected. #8184
  • We added more helpful error messages for when the user makes a mistake entering codes for two factor authentication. !7717
  • Quick Search gives higher priority to favorited items. #8078
  • Now avoids re-checking any known vulnerable passwords within the same 24 hours. !7879
  • Show a better icon in the details view for missing files. #7846
  • An option to show auto-saved web details in the item details view has been added to 1Password’s Advanced settings. #3050
  • 1Password will show a warning if you’re attaching a file that is larger than the 2GB file size limit. !7886
  • Users can now show details about the web page associated with an item. !7890
  • The Item Location panel now alphabetically shows the list of users and groups who have access to an item. !7854
  • PKGBUILD now uses the stable tar file instead of the beta for Arch Linux. Hat tip to forum user samarthj! !7859