Updated to 8.1.0-28 on

What's new

1Password for Linux 8.1.0-28
  • There is now a setting that allows the user to make all passwords visible. #7548
  • Typing “Archive” into Quick Find will take the user to the Archive folder. #6894
  • Move Item dialogs and messages now reflect the correct number of items moved. #6943
  • We made some internal improvements that optimize our use of the protocol that communicates with the 1Password servers. !7616
  • We no longer require that our configuration file have the execute bit set. !7386
  • The Browser Integration setting will now warn users that the feature cannot work if it detects that it is running in a Snap sandbox. #7667
  • Fixed a bug where starting to search with CTRL-F would cause 1Password to enter a loop that constantly deletes the search text. #7811
  • Optimize the search speed on very large accounts. !7543
  • Updated the appearance of the field that indicates that a related item is missing. #6980
  • The desktop app will now properly handle editing an item from 1Password in the Browser. !7496
  • “Go and Fill” will record item usage #5016
  • Various internal fixes and optimizations !7481 #7870 !7550 !7588
  • REGRESSION: Item delete cannot currently be undone in 1Password for the desktop. If you delete an item by mistake, you will need to go to your account on the website to access the undo functions there.