Updated to 0.9.33-92 on

What's new

1Password for Linux 0.9.33-92
  • The browser extension link in Settings now points to the stable version of the browser extension. #7231
  • We improved the background and sign-in icon for the onboarding screen. !7125
  • We removed some menu items, such as “Add to Favorite”, from archived items. #7126
  • Quick Find will no longer show a dash, or a double dash, when the normal subtitle for an item is empty or a dash. #7272
  • Fixed a regression where 1Password does not come back focused on top after selecting an account for signing in via the web browser. #6472
  • Certain item detail fields, such as Software License’s License Key field, can now span multiple lines. #7026
  • 1Password will inform you on the sign in view if you need to enable two-factor authentication for your 1Password account before you can complete the sign in. !6961
  • Vaults accessible from the Secrets Automation service will be indicated as such in the Item Location dialog. #7038
  • We have improved the instructions in the welcome tour. !7073
  • Selecting an item with Quick Find will once again make the item list scroll to that item. !7093
  • We restored libnss to the list of required dependencies for 1Password !7121
  • General internal improvements and bug fixes !6949, #5871, !7013