Updated to 0.9.33-53 on

What's new

1Password for Linux 0.9.33-53
  • Browser integration is now enabled by default. !6753
  • The MFA prompt has some nice new formatting and includes the name of the account that the prompt applies to. 2850
  • Present a warning to the user before deleting items. 6868
  • When viewing an item from a Watchtower category, only banners relevant to that category will be displayed on that item. !6771
  • Allow the user to open onepassword:// URLs even when the 1Password window is closed. 6755
  • Move item will delete original item instead of adding it to the archive. 6724
  • When restoring an archived item, 1Password will present an option to switch to the item’s original vault. 6877
  • We now use different icons for deleting an item vs. deleting a field on an item. 6728
  • Dragging multiple selected items to a tag will add tag to all of selected items. 6942
  • Delete Item in the item overflow menu is now presented in red. 6882
  • Add more informative logging to custom browser verification process. !6854
  • The About option on the menu bar now takes you to the new About 1Password view in the Settings dialog. 7002
  • Dragging a file onto the view for creating a document will put the new file into the document. 6996
  • Ctrl/Cmd+E will no longer edit the previously selected item if you have navigated to a different view. 6888
  • General internal improvements. !6735 !6731 !6804 !6750
  • [SECURITY] The right click menu on a text selection no longer includes “Google Search”. 4725
  • Fixed the links that open our open source credits page. 6881
  • Fixed the dark mode colors for various menu icons. 6887, 6864