Updated to 0.9.33-39 on

What's new

1Password for Linux 0.9.33-39
  • Introducing Archive ♻; archive your items to get them out of your mind and you can always restore them from the new Archived category on the sidebar. 6622 !6490
  • Select multiple items on the item list 🎉! Use either your keyboard or mouse to select multiple items to favorite, archive, and/or delete them. 6140, 6715 !6721 !6722
  • The item’s action menu has been updated to be more friendly; we’ve reworded a few options and added Archive to the list. 6715
  • When dragging a file into a Document item, its title will automatically match the file name without the file extension. 6296
  • Check out the new About 1Password tab in the Settings view. 5738
  • The Watchtower dashboard will now display all cards at once instead of the top three. !6650
  • Use the new Watchtower filter on top of the item list to switch between Watchtower categories after selecting Show Items from the Watchtower dashboard. 6479
  • Watchtower item lists now sort and group the items based on its severity. 6479
  • Item lists for Watchtower will now show a progress indicator as it loads the data. !6655
  • The sidebar’s collapsed state for each section will be persistent. 5412 !6688
  • Selecting an item via Quick Find will take you to the item’s vault on the sidebar instead of always switching to All Items. !6593
  • Improved the resiliency of our network handling to ensure we can keep your 1Password accounts updated in more unreliable network conditions. !6546
  • Keep the password field focused at all times on the main lock view. !6559 !6724
  • On the sign in view, pressing the enter key in each field would lose the keyboard focus. !6560
  • Search sometimes returned an empty item list when it shouldn’t. !6572
  • Moved the Delete item option to the very bottom of the item’s action menu. 6521
  • 1Password no longer prompts about unsaved changes on unchanged Logins that didn’t have any website label saved. 6614
  • After saving a new Document item, 1Password would prematurely grab the file details to display in the details view but the file itself hasn’t been uploaded yet. !6677
  • Loading a vault that could not be parsed no longer blocks the rest of the vaults from loading. !6686
  • The sidebar would sometime switch between multiple accounts in a loop if multiple accounts were being updated at the same time. 6699
  • New Password items didn’t get saved with the correct timestamp for the item list. 6525
  • Renamed Autofill to Browser in the Settings view. (New icon for Browser is coming soon) 6747
  • Fixed the inconsistency of the Compromised Website labeling across the entire app. 6626
  • Logs are now limited to 14 days, older log will be removed. !6552
  • Removed unneeded update-related logs. 6828
  • Removed the Watchtower’s Security Score for the moment, it’ll come back with a better score algorithm. 5893
  • We’ve fixed a crash where if you have the system tray support disabled, locking 1Password would crash. 6565
  • Improved our distribution deployments to support different release channels. !6676
  • Updated our snap package to optionally support removable media for opening the 1Password Emergency Kit files. 6770
  • Restored the missing symlink to /usr/bin/1Password that was removed after the last update for our RPM package. 6327, 6811, 6631
  • General internal improvements and bug fixes. 5048 !6620 !6624 !6490 !6548 !6553 !6667 !6611 !6786