Updated to 0.9.28 on

What's new

1Password for Linux 0.9.28
  • 1Password can now unlock all of your accounts that are using different passwords with your system’s authentication service (if enabled), instead of the last used password only. This means 1Password in both the app and in your browser can be unlocked easily with your biometric system if you use it. #4124 !5805 !5818
  • Sidebar sections are now easier to collapse and expand by clicking it. #5613
  • Item list now shows grouped items with headers based on the sorting option. !5680
  • Added the hovering state effect in the updated item list design. #5620
  • Search now supports searching for sensitive data in concealed fields such as passwords, credit card number and social security number. Search results are also censored to avoid showing any sensitive data. #4124 !5700 !5800
  • After signing in a new 1Password account, 1Password will switch to it in the main window. !5782
  • Settings now includes pretty section icons. !5698
  • Setting changes are applied much quicker now, especially when the auto-lock timer has been changed. #5501 !5454 !5711
  • Turning off auto-lock now works correctly and no longer requires the app to restart for the changes to take place. !5793 !5711
  • Continuing to improve our window handling when locking, it now closes and reopens the lock window if needed. !5803
  • Removed unusable menu options when 1Password is locked. !5688
  • Removed an unused setting in the Advanced settings. #5507
  • Fixed the Help menu > About view as it was blank in the last update. #5270 !5688
  • Simplified our lock reason messaging on the lock view. !5565
  • Security: Now encrypting the list of vault’s accessers in the 1Password database. #4108 !5732, 1PW08-001
  • Security: No longer persists the network request cache to disk. #5581
  • Security: We now block access to the dev tools window to be more resistant against copy/paste attacks. !5804