Updated to 0.9.13 on

What's new

1Password for Linux 0.9.13
  • Redesigned our tooltips with a fresh modern look. 3945
  • Adding new tags no longer requires hitting the enter key to save it. 3065
  • While editing an existing item, the New Item button will now switch to a neutral color to allow only the Save button to be blue. 4617
  • 1Password now offers you a chance to save your changes to a Vault Collection when you move to another Vault Collection. 3508
  • Added accessibility support on our Vault Collections view. 2217, 4484, 4485, 4486
  • 1Password now includes keyboard shortcut settings for opening 1Password (keybinds.open) and for locking 1Password (keybinds.lock). !5180
  • Fixed UI glitches when using the keyboard shortcut to edit an item. 3593, 4463
  • When copying a field, the field name is now mentioned in the in-app toast to confirm it has been copied. 3744
  • Correctly set the initial focus in the Vault Collections view. 4400
  • Added an option to sign in using your 1Password Emergency Kit on the manual Sign in to your 1Password account view. 4678
  • The keyboard shortcut, Control + O, has been updated to open your file explorer to help you select the 1Password Emergency Kit and sign in with it. 4678
  • Updated our What's new link to take you directly to the changelog section for our new update. !5173