Updated to 0.8.9 on

What's new

1Password for Linux 0.8.9
  • New custom fields can be added to items. !3354
  • Pressing the enter key in the username field will no longer clear the username. #2905
  • Clicking the username suggestion now inserts it correctly into the username field. #2905
  • Field focus ring is no longer cut off at the bottom when navigating through the fields. #2905
  • 1Password now properly blocks multiple 1Password account sign-ins from the same 1Password membership. #2496
  • Some items, that are not of Login or Password categories, didn’t show saved website fields. #2360
  • 1Password correctly displays the full name of the menu fields such as the Database’s type or Wireless Router’s wireless security field. #2903
  • If more than one account experienced an authentication error at the same time, 1Password can now show the dialog for the affected accounts instead of a single dialog. #2930
  • Experiment with a new actions menu above the edit button. !3473