Updated to 0.8.8 on

What's new

1Password for Linux 0.8.8
  • You can now perform some basic edits on items. !2935
  • You can now move items between vaults and accounts. !3316
  • 1Password will now notify you if you are attempting to sign in while using a blocked network due to company firewall rules set by your 1Password account administrator. #2319
  • Fixed a string in the Manage Collection view to say Include new vaults instead of Locked. #2852
  • In the Collections dropdown, the label for managing your collections will dynamically change depending on if you have a collection or not. !3299
  • 1Password will ask you to sign in again with new email address after you change the email address for your account. #2317
  • 1Password will continue syncing when you update templates in a business account. #2868
  • Search description is more clear about showing matching items in the item list. !3372
  • Bonjour! If you’re a French user in Canada, you may notice 1Password has a few localized strings, we’re just currently testing and starting the work on the localization for 1Password on Linux. More to come in future updates. !2766