Updated to 0.8.5 on

What's new

1Password for Linux 0.8.5
  • 1Password will now remember the width of the sidebar, item list, and item details when it restarts. #2500
  • We updated the text to clarify who will have access to an item after it has been moved. #2630
  • Search now works correctly with international characters. Previously, certain international characters would cause an error. Thanks to @tunix for reporting this. #2572
  • We fixed a bug where password strength wasn’t shown on custom password fields if the item’s first password field wasn’t used. **#4949
  • Fields now have a compact mode. !3057
  • Fields no longer have a hover effect if they have no actions. !3057
  • Section titles and address fields now truncate properly. !3057
  • The password strength indicator no longer animates when switching items. !3057
  • Tags are now left-aligned when wrapped. !3057