Updated to 8.10.9-12 on

What's new

1Password for iOS 8.10.9-12
  • You can now use passcode unlock on devices with Touch ID. !18025
  • When editing an item, we’ve added usernames as sub-titles to the “Sign in with” menu so you can distinguish between each account. #17229
  • We’ve improved the error that displays when you’re using a 1Password database from a newer version of the app, which now prompts you to contact 1Password support for help. !17592
  • We’ve fixed an issue that prevented in-app notifications from showing on top of other content. !18075
  • We’ve fixed an issue that caused multi-factor authentication management for your 1Password account to not be shown in Manage Accounts. !18083
  • We’ve fixed an issue that caused the Home tab to be empty when opening 1Password after it locked in the background. #20983