Updated to 8.10.44-21 on

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1Password for iOS 8.10.44-21

We’re excited to share that we’ve updated the release number formatting for the 1Password browser extension! This change aligns our browser extension with the 1Password apps, so you’ll now see the same release number across all platforms. Plus, both the extension and apps will be released on the same date, for a consistent and streamlined experience.

  • We’ve made improvements to the item sharing experience.
  • We’ve enhanced search capabilities to help you find items faster than ever.
  • You can now search within a list of items, such as a vault or category. #29739 #29764 #29735
  • Pending invitations are now included in the invite count shown by the Invite People banner. #29492
  • You’ll now see a message in Settings > Security if your app’s auto-lock settings are managed by an account administrator. #31297
  • We now save fields more reliably for credit cards and identity items. #29369
  • The “Grant access to your account” message will now display the device name instead of the operating system when enrolling a trusted device. #29952
  • If you’re a Guest user, you’ll no longer see the banner in the sidebar that prompts you to import your passwords or migrate data. #31147
  • You’ll now see the correct message on the the unlock screen when you’ve been locked out after multiple failed biometric sign-in attempts. #31367
  • We’ve updated the preview image you see when you receive a shared item link. #27623
  • We’ve fixed an issue that prevented shared items from loading if there was content in the Notes field. #31318
  • We’ve fixed a visual issue when you opened shared items where elements on the page were spaced too far apart. #31393
  • You can now share an item in the context menu. Select an item and hold until it brings up the context menu, then select Share. #31136
  • You’ll now see the option to upload a CSV file when you choose to import from Chrome. #29830
  • You’ll now see an icon that shows when you’re offline in the Autofill Extension. #29565
  • If you use VoiceOver, it will now announce when an item is copied using the copy button in the overflow menu. #25547
  • We’ve made accessibility improvements to the item Sharing History dialog. #31588 #31587
  • We’ve made improvements to the auto-lock behaviour when using autofill and visual improvements to the lock screen. !23824
  • We’ve fixed a visual issue when you customized the Home screen by dragging and reordering rows. #25991
  • We’ve fixed an issue where the “Check your internet connection” message took too long to display. #31584
  • VoiceOver no longer reads an item’s icon in the item’s Sharing History. #31582