Updated to 8.10.18-19 on

What's new

1Password for iOS 8.10.18-19
  • You can now choose a default identity and credit card item in the app. Choose Profile in the sidebar on desktop or on the Home screen on mobile to get started. !19438 !19449 #24203 !19579 !19548 !19544 !19519
  • You can now add family members, remove family members, and edit permissions for vaults directly in the app. #24169 #22751 #22755 !19027 #23776 #22853 #23759 #23868
  • You can now see a list of your duplicate items in the app. Choose “Items with duplicates” in your Watchtower dashboard to see or delete all of your duplicates. !18925 #23645 #23774 !19091 !18983 !18993 !18980 !18964 !18920 !18850 !19138 !18968
  • We’ve added 1 day and 1 week options to the “Require password” setting. #13742
  • We’ve updated the information shown when you edit an item’s autofill behavior. #20135
  • We’ve made improvements to prevent accounts from being added to the app while it’s locked. #23767
  • Localization has been improved for a number of our supported languages using new translations from Crowdin. !19592 !19217
  • We’ve fixed an issue where the names of the Personal, Private, and Shared vaults weren’t properly translated into some supported languages. #23260
  • We’ve made security improvements to how user-supplied icons for items are handled in the app. #24143
  • When setting up the app for the first time on iOS 17, you’ll now be taken to the specific section of the Settings app when you tap “Go to AutoFill settings”. #23003
  • We’ve adjusted how the callout on the Home screen appears when Autofill is turned off. !19551
  • We’ve improved how scrolling behaves in item lists when you start to scroll without dismissing the keyboard first. #23886
  • We made a small visual improvement to the color of the navigation bar and header when you save or use a passkey. #23449