Updated to 8.10.60 on

What's new

1Password for iOS 8.10.60
  • You can now import items from Bitwarden using the 1Password app.
  • Guided Setup is now only shown for accounts that have been active for under six months. #34559 !27686
  • Guided Setup is now automatically dismissed when you complete all the tasks. #34561 !27697
  • In Labs, you can now enter =location in the search bar to find items that have a location in their item details. !27590
  • We’ve fixed an issue where guest accounts could be prompted to set up a recovery code. #34592 !27674
  • We’ve fixed an issue that caused broken links in Watchtower “Compromised website” banners. #34578 !27699
  • We’ve fixed an issue where the “Change password on website” button could open an incorrect URL. #34685 !27701 #27750 !27818
  • We’ve fixed an issue that could prevent Watchtower from updating and displaying categories correctly. #34768 !27746
  • We’ve fixed an issue where you couldn’t remove an item from the list of ignored alerts. #32513 !27854
  • You now see an alert to update the mobile app if you’re using a version that is no longer supported. #33468 !27047
  • We’ve fixed an issue where you couldn’t open 1Password Settings or Home using a long press on the 1Password homescreen app icon. #33397 !27692
  • We’ve fixed an issue where, after using biometric unlock once in autofill, you could autofill a passkey again without needing biometrics, even when “Lock mobile app on exit” was turned on. #34781 !27725
  • We’ve fixed an issue where the app could crash when camera access was requested. !27706
  • We’ve fixed an issue where you couldn’t autofill one-time passwords correctly using iOS 18 Insert Text. #34605 !27762