1Password SDKs

by Simon
Updated to 0.1.6 on
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1Password SDKs 0.1.6 are now available. 🎉

Version 0.1.6 introduces support for sharing items, the Email and Reference field types, and retrieving an SSH key’s public key, key type, and fingerprint.

See what’s new in Go, JavaScript, or Python.

1Password SDKS 0.1.6
  • You can now create an item sharing link with the new client.Items.Shares API.
  • You can now move items to the archive with the new client.Items.Archive(vault_uuid, item_uuid) function.
  • You can now read, create, and edit items with a notes field with item.Notes.
  • You can now retrieve an SSH key’s public key, key type, and fingerprint with client.Secrets.Resolve.
  • You can now read, create, and edit items with Email (email addresses) and Reference (ID references to other 1Password items) type fields.
  • When developing with the Python SDK, the functions now show type hints on their parameters and return types.
  • We’ve fixed item CRUD operations for the password item category. Creating or editing a password item no longer leads to a panic in the Go SDK.
  • We’ve improved field matching logic for secret references. Retrieving a field from the item’s default field section is now possible even if there is an identically named field in one of the item’s named sections.
1Password SDKS 0.1.5
  • You can now generate random, PIN, and memorable passwords using the onepassword.Secrets.GeneratePassword function.
  • Creating and editing an item now sets the subtitle correctly, which is visible in the item preview in all client apps.
  • You can now retrieve, create, and edit items containing credit card numbers.
1Password SDKS 0.1.4
  • You can now check that a secret reference is formatted correctly without having to resolve it or even authenticate, using the ValidateSecretReference function.
1Password SDKS 0.1.2
  • You can now create, get, and edit tags within your 1Password items.
  • You can now fetch one-time password codes with the secrets.resolve function, using a secret reference for the TOTP field in your item. For example: op://vault/item/field?=attribute=totp.
  • Item creation now only requires specifying the vault ID, item category, and item title.
  • The SDKs now fully support optional values. You no longer need to manually set details: None or section: None when instantiating ItemCreateParams.
  • The Python SDK is now published on PyPI. You can now install the Python SDK with pip install onepassword-sdk.