Updated to 2.5.0 on

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1Password in the browser 2.5.0

Sign in to your favorite sites with Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Apple, Twitter, Okta, or GitHub instead of an email or username and password – and save the login to 1Password for easy sign-in. Learn more on the 1Password blog!

  • Added a training page that guides the user through a tutorial when setting up the extension for the first time. !15345
  • Improved reliability of multi-step filling. !15587
  • Fixed over-aggressive locking behavior in Safari on macOS. !15445
  • 1Password no longer blocks “focusout” and “blur” events. #18342
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the save dialog to be unreadable on some sites in Chrome. !15261
  • Improved accuracy of suggestions on subdomains of my.salesforce.com. #18256