Updated to 1.23.0 on

What's new

1Password in the browser 1.23.0
  • 1Password X has been renamed! 👋 !4867
  • Items can now be deleted from within the pop-up. !4462
  • Smart Password setting for the password generator that makes use of information from the current page and Apple’s Password Manager Resources to create the best possible password. #352
  • The password generator now has a toggle to choose the default recipe for password generation. #352
  • American Express cards are more accurately formatted in Suggestions in the pop-up. #989
  • Emails for Business, Team, and Family accounts are now shown on the Settings screen. #4071
  • Suggestions in the page will now be hidden while dragging a field from the pop-up. #3956
  • The styling of the Share Item button has been updated. #4014
  • When viewing items, hovering over a truncated vault title will now show the full name. #4015
  • The New Item menu has been widened to accommodate longer titles (like Password Generator). #975
  • Titles that exceed the width of the New Item menu will now display on hover. #975
  • The Add Account prompt after signing in to 1Password.com is now in your selected language for 1Password. #868
  • 1Password will now show up less frequently in email and account fields where Autofill isn’t desired. #656 #692
  • Separator options for memorable passwords are now more consistent with other 1Password apps. #2505 #3739
  • Privacy cards are now saved and filled with the correct type, based on the card number. #2908
  • Accessibility improvements for a number of form controls across the extension. #2665
  • When viewing an item in the pop-up, a tooltip is shown if the title is truncated. #83
  • 1Password will no longer overwrite manually entered data when filling from an unedited field. #1421
  • Suggestions in login and registration forms are now more accurate. !3379
  • Smarter selection of item fields when filling an item with a username and password. #2933
  • Added description of lock behavior on the settings page. #3118
  • Items with the tags “HTTP” or “2FA” will no longer display corresponding Watchtower warnings. #938
  • Updated the “Go” button in the pop-up to say “Open & Fill”. #1526
  • Better handling of locked accounts when enabling the Privacy.com integration. #2919 #2920
  • The selected item in the popup’s item list is now always styled correctly. #310
  • When saving an item in Firefox, the title can now be properly selected with your mouse. #4060
  • Opening a locked account from settings will now always navigate to the correct sign-in page. #3893
  • When unlocking from the pop-up the progress spinner will not disappear until unlocked. #810 #1007
  • Login items are now suggested for library card number fields instead of credit card items. #3006
  • Logins are now suggested on zoom.us, secure_.chase.com, bankofamerica.com, and bancagenerali.it. **#3449** **#3709** **!3409** **!4492**
  • Logins now save and fill correctly on iii.pioneerland.lib.mn.us, app.medirecords.com, gc.ca, project.pixsystem.com, commsec.com.au, razer.com, lkfl2.nalog.ru, and online.hl.co.uk. #3403 !3681 !3577 !3576 !3947 #2799 #3720 !3962
  • Correctly suggesting passwords durning account activation on kraken.com. #4192
  • One-time passwords will no longer fill into the gift code field on amazon.com. #3144
  • One-time passwords will no longer fill into the “Badge background color” field on github.com. #3799
  • One-time passwords will mistakenly fill into “Branch Code” fields in less situations. !3945
  • One-time passwords now fill correctly on privateinternetaccess.com, tresorit.com, zendesk.com, and zoom.us. #3358 #2687 #3418 #4057
  • Credit card expiry dates will now fill correctly on cgw.ubb.bg. #3164
  • Credit card numbers now fill correctly when updating payment details on spectrum.net. #3357
  • Credit cards now save and fill correctly on securepay.ing.ro. #3537
  • Card suggestions will now be shown when adding a debit card as a funding source for a Privacy.com account. !3592
  • Generated passwords now fill correctly into the change password form on instagram.com and minecraft.net. #3417 #3724
  • The “program code” field is now recognized as a username field when logging into physiapp.com. #4063
  • Suggestions will no longer appear in search fields on findagrave.com. #4130
  • A new password is now suggested when signing up for an account on twitter.com. #430 #439
  • Suggestions will no longer be shown in the “To:” field on Outlook Web App and beta.protonmail.com. #3534 #3953
  • Suggestions and autofill now function properly on domains that are on the Public Suffix List. #1003 #1818 #2269 #3734
  • Suggestions displayed within the page will now be visible in all modals. #2561
  • 1Password now recognizes the “User ID” field on secure.verizon.com. #3625
  • The 1Password icon now appears in the email field on my.smart.com.ph. !4157
  • The 1Password icon will no longer be shown in the purchase order ID field on mofakult.ch. #3000
  • The “State” field now fills correctly when checking out on levi.com. #3612
  • The “Full Name” field now fills correctly with a name on dragfans.com. !4116
  • Phone numbers now fill correctly when signing up for an account on doordash.com. #3240
  • When saving a login from 1Password.com, the Secret Key will be saved and fillable. #1830 #3103
  • Identities now fill correctly into more forms made via Wordpress Gravity Forms. #3008
  • Identity items are no longer suggested when logging in to boxcryptor.com. #3402
  • First and last name fields on Polish sites will be filled in more cases. filling-issues-#437