Updated to 1.20.0 on

What's new

1Password in the browser 1.20.0
  • Get notified when a saved website is compromised by turning on Watchtower Alerts. !1401
  • Credit cards can now be saved from credit card fields. #1486
  • Password items are now included in the suggestions when the 1Password icon appears in a field. !1742
  • Command+Shift+L / Ctrl+Shift+L now locks 1Password X from anywhere in the browser (this can be configured under settings). #1441
  • The welcome page only shows on first install. #143
  • When clicking the Go button, the item will now be automatically filled in more situations. !1552
  • When scrolling the list of items displayed within a page, scrolling past the end of the list in either direction will no longer cause the menu to close. !1541
  • The cursor is much better positioned when selecting text in the password generator. #885
  • Keyboard shortcuts are now based on the current keyboard layout. #974 #1399
  • In the pop-up, the copy username shortcut has been changed to Command-C / Ctrl+C. #1725
  • 1Password X will now properly save and fill checkboxes and radio buttons. #1181
  • Greatly improved how names are handled when filling credit cards. #828 #1343 #1344
  • The password generator no longer regenerates passwords when clicking outside of the length slider. !1591
  • Hide the “Go” action for non-http(s) protocols. #864
  • Shortcuts with Ctrl modifier in Firefox on macOS now work correctly. #1197
  • Removed a reference to Chrome (which appeared in non-Chrome browsers) from the settings page. #1427
  • The 1Password icon will no longer appear above the save dialog. #824
  • When opening multiple 1Password.com tabs quickly, all will now be properly unlocked. !1537
  • Filling is now more consistent between browsers where, in uncommon situations, the page appeared differently to 1Password X. #762
  • The 1Password icon now appears and supports filling on ipkol.pl. #704
  • The 1Password icon now appears and supports filling on usbank.com. #1175
  • Registration details are now correctly filled on Facebook. #1396
  • 1Password will no longer fill the Summary field with a city when contacting Postbox Support. #1292
  • We will no longer show up unnecessarily in PayPal’s “Send Funds” & “Request Funds” page. #1283
  • The one-time password will now correctly fill on secure.informer.eu. #1389
  • The account number can now be filled on dollarsonthenet.net. #1096
  • Prevent filling of bank phone numbers when filling a credit card. #812
  • Credit card expiry dates are now filled properly on staples.com. #1397
  • Credit card expiry dates are now filled on more Spanish websites. #1333
  • Added support for filling the Czech date format, and improved credit card expiry dates filling on platebnibrana.csob.cz. #1452
  • In some cases, an error was printed in the console when deciding if the 1Password icon should be shown in a field (sorry, web devs!). !1538
  • Addressed memory leak by switching Map to WeakMap. !1667
  • 1Password X now fills one-time passwords on Adobe, Grammarly, and WealthSimple. #251 #1124 #1428
  • The “Change on the Extensions page” button for shortcuts now opens the correct page in Microsoft Edge. #1022
  • The placeholder text of the password field is now localized. #700
  • The “System” dropdown is now properly filled on adminer.org. #1120
  • Disabled fields are no longer filled. #1544
  • 1Password X now fills one-time passwords in the Russian version of Discord. #231
  • One-time passwords now fill on MongoDB. #1521
  • One-time passwords now fill on Buffer. #515
  • Credit card information is now filled correctly on iran3ell.net. #1224
  • Credit cards now fill correctly on www.europcar.com and www.europcar.de. #1633
  • 1Password now correctly suggests to generate a new password when creating new accounts on bauhaus.dk and discussions.agilebits.com #1627 #1709
  • 1Password now fills the one-time password correctly on it.linkedin.com. #1615
  • Item section titles are now set correctly when saving an item from 1Password X. !1910