Updated to 2.4.4 on

What's new

1Password in the browser 2.4.4

Tried our “Sign In With” beta? We’d love to know what you think.

  • “Sign In With” now supports Microsoft. !14020
  • “Sign In With” now automatically selects the right Google account when signing in with Google. !13921
  • Improved performance when focusing a browser with a large number of open tabs. !14332
  • Sync errors are now handled more smoothly in additional situations. !13210
  • Improved positioning of in-page suggestions on RTL pages. #2872
  • Updated translations.
  • Improved speed of unlock animation. !14362
  • Updated Visa icon to new design. !14137
  • Refreshed the appearance of the Privacy.com dialog. !13780
  • Improved overscroll behavior in the Privacy.com dialog. #3297
  • A new password is now properly suggested when creating a new account on the French version of ovh.com. !14274
  • The password field is now properly filled when logging into Citrix Gateway sites. !14245
  • Account username will no longer be overwritten by your email address when changing your password on bethesda.net. !14251
  • Logins now save and fill correctly on biz2.bankhapoalim.co.il. !14246
  • Passwords now fill properly on app.talkspace.com and Library Archives Canada. #4988 #15753
  • Emails are now suggested instead of logins on oneplus.custhelp.com. #16329
  • Logins are now properly suggested on the VinChicago billing page. #16518
  • Logins are no longer suggested in the security code field on cudenver.com. #16760
  • Usernames are now filled correctly on Khan Academy. #1914 #16153