Updated to 2.1.1 on

What's new

1Password in the browser 2.1.1
  • The in-page suggestions have been reworked with a new look! !9118
  • Updated our font to match 1Password for Mac, Windows, and Linux! ✨ !9117
  • The Privacy card creation dialog now opens with a helpful default card name. !9219
  • Increase tappable area of inline button on touch devices. #9727
  • The 1Password icon and in-page suggestions will adjust their position along with the field they’re attached to. !8837
  • Adding accounts with MFA enabled no longer fails when the 1Password app is unlocked. #9560
  • Correctly generate monogram icons for items without a title field in the item overview. #10178
  • In-page suggestions are no longer shown when adding a security key on 1Password.com #10021
  • 1Password will no longer show in the room code field on jackbox.tv. !9031
  • One-time passwords now fill on my.salesforce.com and login.inbox.com. #9765 #9994
  • Credit Card items are no longer suggested on mycreditguide.americanexpress.com. #9639
  • Address suggestions no longer appear in travel-related fields on spirit.com, matrix.itasoftware.com, discover.com, or barclaycardus.com. !8933