Updated to 1.8.7 on

What's new

1Password in the browser 1.8.7
  • Added support for Korean, Portuguese, and Traditional Chinese.
  • A snazzy new colored toolbar icon that works better in both light and dark themes! (more dark theme improvements still to come)
  • Customize the toolbar icon from the 1Password extension settings
  • Generated password history is saved to selected account.
  • Rearranged some settings and improved styling on the Settings page for easier scannability
  • Custom and monogrammed icons now display correctly when filling TOTPs from the inline menu. 457
  • The correct spacing is now applied when no passwords are shown in Generator History. 451
  • Pressing space when searching for generated passwords no longer closes Generator History. 452
  • Searching Generator History is now possible in Firefox. 469
  • The sidebar now updates correctly when switching between items. 456, 465, 468