Updated to 1.24.5 on

What's new

1Password in the browser 1.24.5
  • Save a more convenient form of the page URL on newly created items. #5483
  • Unexpectedly disconnecting from 1Password for Linux is better handled when 1Password in the browser attempts to reconnect. #5807
  • Item details that display a Watchtower banner will no longer reset scroll position after use. #5314 #5639
  • Expanding the password recipe options in the password generator will hide the password recipe type label. #5628
  • Logins are now suggested in the user identification field on vrbankrheinsieg.de. #5727
  • 1Password will no longer suggest logins in the “What’s your name?” field on zencastr.com. #5619
  • Filling an existing password into the change password form on la-z-boy.com will no longer overwrite the “Alternate Phone Number” field with your username. #5721