Updated to 1.13.2 on

What's new

1Password in the browser 1.13.2
  • The inline menu displays correctly on sites that use iframes, including Shopify, AliExpress, iCloud, and many more. 623, 642

  • Improved filling of change password forms by ensuring only one password field is filled when filling an existing item. brain-23

  • Improved filling on a number of user-reported websites (1password.com, cft.org.uk, solidsport.com, drafted.us, costco.com). {brain-8, brain-24, brain-25, brain-26, brain-90}

  • The password field in the popup now provides more relevant tooltip suggestions. 636

  • The banner that appears when 1Password updates now dismisses itself when closing the popup. 645

  • 1Password will always suggest your saved logins for filling even if it detects a registration form.

  • Added support to avoid filling temporary identification code fields (e.g., signing in at chase.com). brain-70

  • Improved filling for first name and last name fields. brain-7

  • Additional field attributes are used for calculating the correct format of date fields (e.g., 2 or 4 digit year in a credit card expiry field). brain-12

  • Improved filling of login items on the schwab.com homepage. brain-18

  • Improved filling of websites that use multiple domains for sign in (e.g., microsoftonline.com and live.com). sec-4

  • Firefox will properly fill multi-step forms after performing a Go and Fill, for example, TOTPs on a second page.

  • Fixed an issue which would prevent password items from being filled. brain-88

  • Password items are once again fillable from the popup.

  • The item details view now updates properly when there are no search results to show. 668

  • Longer passwords are now displayed correctly in the Password Generator. 602

  • Fixed an issue which could cause phone fields not to be filled reliably. brain-75

  • Better error handling when trying to display the details of a deleted item. 644