Updated to 1.10.1 on

What's new

1Password in the browser 1.10.1
  • Search is now faster and smarter to help you find your items quicker.
  • Items can now be favorited from the item detail view. #329
  • The item detail header has been redesigned to include helpful information, such as which account and vault the current item is in.
  • The prompt for scanning 2FA codes has moved to the item detail toolbar in order to provide a more consistent experience across all items.
  • When scanning 2FA codes, helpful error/success messages are now placed more prominently.
  • One-time passwords are now automatically copied to the clipboard after successfully scanning a 2FA code.
  • Updated the welcome page to display the latest “Get to know 1Password X” video.
  • Improved recognition one-time password fields on my.profitbricks.com. #FILL-235
  • Fixed an issue which could cause some identity items not to fill. #fill-231
  • Pressing the up arrow from the new item list now allows focus to shift to the search field.
  • The first character is no longer forgotten when searching from the new item list.
  • Note fields will no longer appear above other sections unless the item is a Secure Note.
  • Note fields no longer contain unnecessary spacing.
  • The current page no longer freezes when saving new items with a Guest account. #545
  • Fixed an issue that could cause 1Password X to no longer sync with the 1Password servers until next unlock.