Updated to 8.10.9-12 on

What's new

1Password for Android 8.10.9-12
  • Item previews will now only be shown in Autofill when Settings > Autofill > “Show filling suggestions” is turned on. !17650
  • You can now create a diagnostics report for 1Password Support by opening onepassword8://diagnostics. !17985
  • We’ve improved the accessibility of buttons on the lock screen. !17755
  • Item icons are now shown in Autofill suggestions when 1Password is locked and the icon is cached. #17631
  • We’ve improved the error that displays when you’re using a 1Password database from a newer version of the app, which now prompts you to contact 1Password Support for help. !17592
  • We’ve fixed a visual issue where the background color which was same as the content. !17738
  • When you switch accounts or collections, the Home and Items tabs will now scroll to the top. !17908
  • We’ve fixed an issue that prevented scrolling through accounts on the Sign In screen. #21498