1Password for Android 8.9.10
- You can now tap on the link to your 1Password account when viewing the list of your accounts in the app.
- You can now sort your Favorites.
- You can now reorder and manage pinned fields.
- We’ve added an indicator to let you know if 1Password is unable to connect to 1Password.com due to network issues.
- You can now generate SSH keys from 1Password on your mobile device.
- We’ve added a Customize tooltip when you press and hold on the icon to edit your Home screen or items tabs.
- One-time passwords can now be autofilled.
- Rich icons are now available for the Autofill suggestions.
- You can now turn off two-factor authentication for your 1Password account from within the 1Password app.
- We’ve added a What’s New billboard so you can learn about new features in the latest release.
- The Home screen now has an empty view if you haven’t customized it yet.
- You can now restore archived and recently deleted items.
- We’ve added an Import Passwords button to the items list if you’re just getting started and don’t have any items yet.
- Opening a private link to an item will now show you the item in the app.
You can now rename the emergency Emergency Kit when you save it.
You can now only choose an item icon from the supported file types: JPEG, GIF, and PNG.
You can now fast scroll in an item list.
We’ve added an annual subscription option for 1Password Teams Starter Pack accounts.
When you show the search results for a query with no matching items, the sort button will now be hidden.
One-time password notifications are now classified as high-priority.
We’ve improved the progress spinner in Watchtower.
Biometric unlock is now only supported with strong authenticators, like fingerprint unlock.
Autofill will now recognize additional password fields.
Locked accounts are now displayed when moving an item.
We’ve fixed an issue where “\n” would be displayed at the end of the Password Strength summary in Watchtower in languages other than English.
We’ve corrected the label used to refer to Traditional Chinese.
We’ve updated some translations and localization.
We’ve made some improvements to vulnerable password checks in Watchtower.
We’ve made some improvements to accessibility in the item details view.
We’ve updated the lock screen icon. ✨
We’ve made some minor visual improvements when you select a sign-in method when first setting up the app or adding a new account.
Buttons in dialog pop-ups no longer display dark text on dark backgrounds.
We’ve made some visual improvements to the experience of searching for items.
We’ve improved the design of the Home screen.
We’ve redesigned the experience of signing in to Duo.
We’ve made various design improvements throughout the app and fixed some visual issues.
We’ve made some improvements to selecting items.
- We’ve fixed an issue that could result in a repeating “Authentication timeout” prompt if you use Duo.
- The edit button is no longer shown in item lists.
- Deleted items no longer show an empty item location.
- We’ve fixed an issue where the OK and Cancel buttons were hard to read when changing a date field when using the dark theme.
- We’ve fixed some visual issues when the Home screen was customized to remove all sections.
- We’ve removed a duplicate Edit button from the Autofill popup.
- Item list titles are now display properly in right-to-left languages.
- We’ve fixed an issue where an item’s details were shown after the search results were cleared.
- We’ve fixed an issue where items couldn’t be saved in a vault if the permission to archive items wasn’t granted.
- We’ve fixed an intermittent crash that could occur when opening the app.
- We’ve fixed an issue that could cause the app to crash when opened after you performed a search and switched to another app.
- We’ve fixed an issue where renaming a tag wouldn’t sync the change to your 1Password account.
- We’ve fixed an issue that prevented fields with matching section identifiers from being deleted.
- We’ve fixed an issue where the title of the Home screen wouldn’t display.
- We’ve fixed an issue where a pinned field that was removed from an item could not be unpinned.
- We’ve fixed an issue where the sidebar would remain open on top of other elements that should be in focus.
- We’ve fixed an issue where Autofill would be turned on even if setup was canceled.
- We’ve fixed an issue where rotating your device while creating a new item would close the item details and not save the item.
- We’ve fixed an issue that prevented you from restoring items from the Archive if multiple items were selected.
- We’ve fixed a few issues that could occur if you used 1Password.com to sign in to the app.
- We’ve fixed some issues with app shortcuts in the launcher.
- We’ve fixed some issues navigating between tabs.
- We’ve fixed an issue where the Emergency Kit file couldn’t be saved completely.
- We’ve fixed an issue where password strength was set incorrectly when generating a new password in new items.
- We’ve fixed an issue where tapping on an item from the Home screen wouldn’t display the item details.
- We’ve fixed an issue that could cause the Autofill option in Settings to not match the state of the Autofill settings on your device.
- We’ve fixed an issue that prevented Autofill suggestions from displaying in certain apps, such as Medium.
- We’ve fixed an issue where the actions on an item with an unsecured website would not be displayed after 1Password syncs.
- We’ve fixed an issue where tapping a favorite item on a tablet would take a while to scroll to the item in the list.
- We’ve fixed an issue where the calendar picker would use the day before the one that you chose.
- We’ve fixed an issue on tablets where an item’s details would be shown after it’s archived.
- We’ve fixed some crashes.